James Kinyua Njuguna
Software Engineer
I have a deep passion for software engineering and I’m always amazed by the things accomplished by teams that are part of this craft. From feats such as building a simple mobile or web application, to building software systems used to power an entire spacecraft. I'm always up for joining such amazing teams. I am an experienced Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in computer science, information technology, and the services industry. Skilled in JavaScript, React, Node.js, SASS, and Github. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor’s Degree focused in Information Technology from Mount Kenya University.
Featured Projects
View selected projects below. More information can be found at my Github.

Crown Clothing
Online retail store that deals with buying and selling of clothes.
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Event Ticketing
E-commerce application that facilitates the buying and selling of tickets for events.
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Optional paragraph for work experience summary. Not a part of the job details. Delete if not being used.
Software Engineer
July 2017 - Sept 2020
- Built an improved version of a modal that better captured the details of a mentorship request and made it possible for mentees to become mentors. The modal had additional checkboxes and input fields.
- Performed a progressive phasing out of Bootstrap CSS in favor of SCSS to make the app lean and provide a greater degree of development control.
- Cleaned up SQL queries by removing unnecessary joins from older REST API endpoint implementations and thus making subsequent database(PostgreSQL) reads faster.
Software Engineer
Thrive Global
Oct 2019 - May 2020
- Built a responsive modal for a React.js internal admin dashboard, used to capture and send form data to a REST API which communicated with various microservices as part of a larger architecture.
- The initial implementation of the form used multiple `useState` hooks to capture data, I migrated this state management to a single `useReducer` hook to remove clutter in the code brought about by this.
- Increased coverage of end-to-end tests for the admin dashboard leveraging the Cypress library and integration tests leveraging React-Testing Library.
Software Engineer
Boundless Mind
Nov 2018 - Oct 2019
- Implemented design templates for a customer dashboard generated using Invision which included multi-step forms with modals and charts used to capture client configuration data for the iOS, Android and Typescript SDKs.
- Used SCSS and Pug template engine for the styling and markup and HighCharts library for implementing the chart views.
- Built a Typescript SDK that mirrored our iOS and Android SDKs to achieve reachability on Web app clients. Also leveraged the TypeDocs library to render HTML documentation for the SDK which I eventually uploaded to an Amazon S3 bucket for easy access.
Mount Kenya University - Thika
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, 2012 - 2016
Mount Kenya University Research and Innovation Students Association